Sunday, November 6, 2011

Team Building Activities Help Employees to Work Effectively Together.

Team building activities that you can do at work have such a positive impact because they are ongoing and reinforcing. So many team building activities are a one shot deal where a group of employees attends an offsite meeting. Then, the follow-up after the meeting, which is where the reinforcement of the good, positive feelings must occur, does not happen.

With team building activities in the workplace, that occur frequently with cross sectional groups of employees, you have a real chance to create a sense of teamwork across your organization.

Team building activities are often used in Meetings,Presentations,Workshops,Training seminars,Education programs,Corporate training, with College,High,Middle,Elementary and Pre-school school groups,Sport teams,Teacher training,Youth work, and in Therapeutic and correctional settings.  Team building exercises can be adapted for virtually any setting, young or old, large or small, and across cultures.

Much depends on the role played by a facilitator.  Different team building activities facilitated in different ways with different groups can and will lead to a wide variety of different experiences and different outcomes.  In the hands of an excellent facilitator, even the simplest game can become a significant experience for participants; with a poor instructor, even with the well-designed activity can go awry.

An important part of team building exercises is participants' reflection and discussion about the activity, how they approached the situation, and possible points of learning.  For example, a group could be videoed during an activity and the video watched, analyzed, and discussed, to help extract potential learning from team building exercises.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Team building can also help strengthen the relationship between employee and can help team work together more effectively.

    Thanks for sharing.
    team building venues
